The CAFO Dyson Hoover Appeal 2023
Introducing a new appeal that will raise much needed funds for our rescue.
We are looking for donations of any models of Dysons that are in any condition at all, working or none working.
You may be thinking this is a strange request and how can hoovers help us?
We have a lovely volunteer who is an experienced at Dyson refurbishments who has very kindly offered to collect old Dysons (and parts off them) to give them a new lease of life by recycling them and selling them to raise funds for our rescue.
If you have any old Dysons knocking around that we can make use of we would be glad to take them off your hands and this will also help the environment by reducing waste in our community and helping local Cats in need.
All models of Dyson are needed, new & old.
Brushes, tubes and tools are also very useful too!
We can collect if needed so do not worry about transport.
If you have any items lying around you think that could be of use to us then you can send us an email to:
We wish to express thanks to our volunteer for doing this for us, the support we are shown really does mean so much to us and to our foster Cats.
There are many ways in which we can raise money for our rescue so please keep up to date with our appeals by regularly visiting our latest news page on our website on the link below.