Male tabby and white
Male tabby and white
Male tabby and white
We got a call from the vets on Macon Way to say a lady had taken in a stray mum cat to be scanned, but unfortunately she had escaped in the car park and could we help as there were young kittens left in the garden back at home.
We tried to get the kittens first but, unfortunately they were hidden under the shed and were not being coaxed out. We had better luck at the vets as when we called, a wailing momma came from out of the bushes asking for help.
We then took Cookie to the lady’s garden to see if she would call her kittens out from hiding. We set a trap  and one brave kitten came, and a few hours later the kitten number 2 was caught. We were just about to give up hope on kitten no 3 and let Cookie out as she was friendly and we strongly believed we could re catch her, and we were just loading up when the lady in the house called to say she had momma and baby in the garden back at home.
They are all safe with our fosterers now and receiving lots of TLC.
All our cats/kittens will be vet checked, neutered, vaccinated, flea’d and wormed, chipped, and come with 5 weeks free insurance.

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