Harry (11 yrs old) M

Harry (11 yrs old) M

Domestic Short hair HARRY About Harry is a lovely 11-year-old boy who recently became a part of the Cafo family. His previous owner, a dedicated supporter of our rescue, had to move into a residential care home, and her son asked us to help find Harry a new home....
Munchie (8 mths old) F

Munchie (8 mths old) F

Domestic Short hair MUNCHIE About Munchie’s owner had several adult cats, but Munchie was a young stray she had taken in recently. Her owner then had to go to hospital urgently and she didn’t want Munchie to be left on her own, so she contacted her friend, one of our...
Molly Mae (Young Adult) F

Molly Mae (Young Adult) F

Domestic Short hair MOLLY MAE About Cafo Rescue were contacted by someone who found Molly Mae in a garden with her 5 new born kittens. She brought Molly Mae and her kittens into the rescue and Mum and kittens are now doing well in their foster home. Molly Mae is still...
Ava (10.5 yrs old) F

Ava (10.5 yrs old) F

Ragdoll AVA About Cafo Rescue were asked to take this beautiful cat who had recently lost her mummy. Ava is a ragdoll. She’s over 10 years old and a gentle cat. She is very loving and she loves to be brushed and played with.  Please read before enquiring....
Pixie (2 mth old) F

Pixie (2 mth old) F

Domestic Short hair PIXIE About Cafo Rescue got an urgent call that mum and 5 kittens were in a garden and the owner had dogs so was scared for their safety. Naturally, we went and got them straight away. See Astrid’s story on a separate listing. They are lovely...